這是從別人的blog 上看到的 , 很有意思 , 決定要以此鞭策自己 ,就把它轉載了。
This article was seen in another person's blog , i find it very meaningful , decided want to have it to keep myself staying aware , therefore i have it reprint it here.我本害怕孤單,直到我學習愛自己。
I was afraid of loneliness , till I learned to love myself.I was afraid of defeat , till I experienced if I do not try , getting defeat is the only way.
I was afraid of success , till i understood that it's worth for a try , to have ourselves happy.我本害怕人言,直到我學會,不管如何,人們總會對我有意見。
I was afraid of criticism , till I learned that no matter what , people will always have opinion on me.我本害怕遭拒,直到我學會自信。
I was afraid of being rejected , till I learned to have confidence in myself.我本害怕痛苦,直到我學會此乃成長之必經。
I was afraid of pain , till I learned that it's the essential path to grown up.我本害怕真相,直到我看到謊言之醜。
I was afraid of truth , till I saw the ugly of lies.I was afraid of live my life , till I feel the beautiful of it.
I was afraid of death , till I understood that it isn't the end but the beginning.I was afraid of destiny , till I understood that I do have the power to change my life.
I was afraid of hatred , till I seen that being ignorance is much more worst. 我本害怕愛,直到我心動,它讓黑夜消退, 進入無限光明。
I was afraid of love , till my heart was tempted. It diminish the dark and gone into infinity lights.我本害怕嘲人,直到我學會如何自我解嘲。
I was afraid of being ridiculed , till I learn how to untie it myself.I was afraid of future , till i realized that life is gradually better.
I was afraid of falling in love , till i knew there are you to hold me for the rest of my life with no regret.我本害怕過往,直到我體會到它已無傷于我。
I was afraid of the past , till I realized it does no more harm to me.我本害怕黑暗,直到我看見星夜之美。
I was afraid of darkness , till I seen the beauty of starry sky.I was afraid of luminous , till I learned that the truth give me strength.
I was afraid of change , till I seen that even the most beautiful butterfly have to go through transformation, before it spread it's wings.全站熱搜