目前分類:关于我。。。 (15)

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從 2005 年開始 , [ 存在的痕跡 ] 寫滿了淋雨多多曾有過的心情 , 遇見過的人 , 品嘗過的悲傷 .


每一次都有鼓勵堅強 , 每一次都有重新出發 .

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這篇是在 facebook 內 尊孔國中 的discussion board 留下的只字片語.

多時不寫的我 , 看到了母校的名謂後心頭一陣洶湧 , 寫下了記憶中殘留的感覺.


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3999 , 一個值得紀念的數字 . 不算多 , 卻是我始料不及的來訪客次.


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  • Aug 08 Wed 2007 18:26
  • 還債



是虧欠嗎 ? 是的 , 我一直都這樣認為...

和妳在一起的時候 , 妳說過我沒有為妳做些甚麼 < " 廣大的宣言 " , " 在公開的媒體 " 如打電話上電台之類 , 宣告"我愛妳". >

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Gemini of 16th March 2007 :


You should be feeling especially strong, healthy, and charismatic, and are likely to receive some invitations to some exciting parties.

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為甚麼名字叫做  淋雨多多  .....

"你為甚麼又淋雨了 ? "
多久了 ? 男生心裡有個底, 不過就是不說出來.

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My day ......


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It's July again .... at year 2002 i was graduated from TARC , stayin the KL TAR college for just only a month time in the Advance Dip ...have no choice but got to get out from there cause of financial problems .... I still remember what i told myself that time "  Earning money and work out a career isnt just about paper  ... i have something that others dont have ... People use 2 yrs to get what they want , i'll use 3 yrs then..... If i am destiny to prove to others that i could do it without having a degree certification , so be it. "


By that time it was all fresh and new for me , tho i got only ngam ngam pass de english to converse with people and interviewer , but with my Diploma in Merit only , not one ever want to take me as a Junior Programmer ... Diploma is way too fresh too noob for them to hire , not to mention they got to consider will i leave the company after used them as training ground ... well ...i must admit , definitely i need a training place when i just get into the society working ... they just doing the right thing for themselves.


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Have you seen 100 movies ?
Bold what you have seen
Completely mixed and random movies;

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I have a close fren , her name " Marry " , where she like my spaces , but complain that it was 80% in chinese and she couldnt read it ...


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Dont know what to write in my blog ..it seems empty for very long and i do have a lot of running thoughts , just cant catch them and put it down here....so...at this early morning when i reach at office and seems quite free...i start to write this as many others had wrote before ......


Things that i want or i am dream for :

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Your Birthdate: May 24

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正所谓 [ 凡走过必留痕迹 ] ,

如果你们到过我的这个小小空间 ,

我也希望能够知道你们是谁 ,

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