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Have you seen 100 movies ?
Bold what you have seen
Completely mixed and random movies;

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要了解也要开解;   要道歉也要道谢;

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Was thinking to get a CCNA course for myself along with a few of colleage of mine , but when reach to the MIS training center just right besides our office , the place looks just normal. 


The entrance hide at one of the corridor , if didnt walk into there wont able to find out also.


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Your element is Light: Innocent, beautiful,kind-hearted and pure.

You are so sweet your almost angelic, you find joy in others happiness and cannot stand to see anyone in pain.

You want to make everyone around you feel good about themselves and if someone is upset you can tend to become rather upset as well which means you are sympathetic and raise
others above yourself.

Being as kind and good-natured as you are people have most likely hurt you in the past but you pick yourself up every time.

You may look fragile but you are stronger than most tend to see.

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2.開始囉 !!

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很喜欢这首歌 ,尤其歌词部分。

喜欢它倔强的固执 , 就如同妳同我一样 。

喜欢它对爱情的坚持 ,不比曾经既妳我更少 。

喜欢它相信 [等得起] ,就系让我也 [都相信] 。

喜欢它可以系一首让我用 [唱] 来说出心里话的 [ 霖 ]  情歌 ,

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高中三年交过五个女朋友,有一个女孩子,我很爱她,却迟迟不敢追,她没有美丽的面孔, 没有姣好的身材,没有撩人的魅力,一个再平凡不过的女孩子。 我喜欢她,真的真的很喜欢她,


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I have a close fren , her name " Marry " , where she like my spaces , but complain that it was 80% in chinese and she couldnt read it ...


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在很久之前看过这么一篇 ,想不到。。居然。。在今天,也真那么的巧。。是在今天的期限之前。。。让我再看到了它 :

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Dont know what to write in my blog ..it seems empty for very long and i do have a lot of running thoughts , just cant catch them and put it down here....so...at this early morning when i reach at office and seems quite free...i start to write this as many others had wrote before ......


Things that i want or i am dream for :

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  • May 17 Wed 2006 08:17
  • 学习

這是從別人的blog 上看到的 , 很有意思 , 決定要以此鞭策自己 ,就把它轉載了。
This article was seen in another person's blog , i find it very meaningful , decided want to have it to keep myself staying aware , therefore i have it reprint it here.

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  • May 15 Mon 2006 00:45
  • 遗憾

那天上了一趟云顶 ,驾我的车上的。

一路上感觉还不错 ,和朋友说说笑笑的,听听音乐,感觉都还平淡。


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