
Gemini of 16th March 2007 :


You should be feeling especially strong, healthy, and charismatic, and are likely to receive some invitations to some exciting parties.


You might be surprised at what appears to be a sudden increase in your level of popularity.


Expanded opportunities on the career scene could also come your way from new acquaintances, and you could find doors for a whole new life will open- new friends, new position, and possibly even a new home.





I just signed my contract today with F-Secure Company , for the position of Level 3 Technical Support , directly employ under them.

I was very surprised that given such chances , where looking at my Edu profile i have only DIploma with me.


The above description matching a lot with my situation and hopefully it will be as what it said ...


Wish me good luck , everyone !!
    創作者 淋雨多多 的頭像


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